Join the Big Apple Campaign
P.O. Box 586 Shelby
Shelby, MS 38774
Phone: (662) 721-RISE
Because we know that teachers are a vital part of our community, RISE is dedicated to improving education in our area by investing in teacher quality, but you TOO can play a significant role in this effort. Though we may tell teachers they are valuable, we need your help to show them that they are appreciated, which, according to research, increases teacher retention.
Therefore, RISE is asking you to help us support our teachers in Coahoma County by committing to offer them a token of appreciation, such as an ongoing store discount or merchandise.
Your business can join us as a partner in the Big Apple Campaign with a commitment of a teacher discount of your choice, and a $25 donation (monetary or raffle item) to offset the cost publication print and design. As a partner, you will receive a RISE Big Apple decal that you can proudly display in your business window, and we will list your business and your chosen incentive in our “Big Apple” teacher appreciation publication.
The first "Big Apple" publication will be issued in October 2018. To make this issue, please make your commitment by September 21, 2018. Remember, any token of appreciation is accepted, if you cannot offer a discount perhaps you can partner with our organization to host a teacher appreciation event, purchase classroom supplies, etc. If you have additional questions, please email